Mahi Tahi starry night
Every week once or twice, the three senior class rooms Tui, Kakapo and Te Kahu have Mahi Tahi.
Mahi Tahi means working together as one, the teachers pick a task for us to complete but we have to complete the task in groups, so the teachers pick sticks out of a bag that will have our names on and those are the people we will have to work with. The people we have to work with may not be people we usually work with so that makes it hard. In Mahi Tahi we use the four c's collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking.
Our task for Mahi Tahi was creating one of Vincent van goghs pictures called a starry night. Each group had to create one part of the picture, but hears the catch the picture was really small and we had to enlarge it to cover the whole paper that we were using and our paper was an A3 sized piece. We had to use colour strips of paper to create the picture. At the end when we arranged all the pictures it looked pretty cool, hears how it looked.