
Monday 14 October 2019

My school holidays!!!

It's term 4,  the holidays are over and school is back.  Today Mrs Cutler gave us a task, we had to think
about 3  things, 1 something amazing that you did in the holidays, 2 something scary that you did in the
holidays and 3 something relaxing that you did in the holidays. 

Something amazing in my holidays was…
That my cousins came up from Auckland and it was really exciting because the last time I saw
them was during Christmas so it was really cool to finally see them.

Something scary in the holidays was…
When we went to the beach for my brothers birthday we went biscuiting which is
where you attach a giant biscuit shaped floaty to the end of a boat and get towed around
on it and I know it sounds fun and it was but the scary thing was is that where we were
biscuiting there was stingrays swimming around and I am not a stingray fan.

something relaxing in my holidays was…
Just lying down in bed watching you tube and Netflix after a long day

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora, I am Daisy from St Mary’s School.
    I liked how you mentioned how you were not a stingray person.
    Maybe next time you could tell me how it felt seeing those stingrays swimming in the water.
    Please visit my blog

    Mā te wā
